Izvor Oreb was born in 1946. in Vela Luka, the island Korcula.
He finished The Fine Arts High School in Split 1966.
The same year he came to Zagreb and started Padagogy Academy from which he graduated in 1968.
He immediatelly entered the Academy of Fine Arts, class prof. Grga Antunac and prof. Valerija Michielia.
After the Academy he was acepted into Master’s workshop by Ms Frane Krsinic. He remained there until 1978.
Izvor Oreb had the first antonomous exibition in Korcula 1967.
He published the book of dialectal poetry in 1990. ″Lanterna na skoju″ which had two more enriched editons.
He made the monument of the monk Grga Martic allocated in Posusje 1999.
His book of poetry ″I suza mi pade″ was published 1999. The same year he published together with his spouse the book of comedies ″Vrag odnio salu″.
He lives in Zagreb and Vela Luka.